The In-Between

As I think about the trials and situations that many disciple-makers that I know are walking through right now, I can’t help but think about how much patience and perseverance is required in living out our faith.

At times in my life, I have taken leaps of faith: leaving jobs, selling businesses, and running after the dreams God has given me in faith. In a few of those areas, I have seen those dreams come to fulfillment. However, in most of my life and in most of our lives we live in “the in-between”.

The in-between is the time of living with the risk and not knowing for sure if things will work out. It’s the period where you've taken action, but haven't yet achieved the desired outcome. Our lives are filled with in-betweenness. We often live in the middle with kids, careers, relationships, ministry and more. Do you feel like you are living in the in-between? Is there an area of your life that is requiring patience and perseverance?

Most of the ministry that we partner on involves trusting God in that in-between. It’s years of coffee conversations with a friend, not knowing if he will ever choose Jesus, but choosing to have faith and persevere. Just a few months ago, I showed up to Street Church and no one showed-up, and in the moment I felt like giving up. Will these guys ever surrender to Jesus? Will we ever see this group multiply?

It’s in the middle that our faith is tested and in the middle God is at work growing us and maturing us. And in the in-between we can be confident that he will bring to completion the work that he began (Phil 1:6). Hold fast to that hope on the days that you are growing weary. Continue to persevere in your generosity. In each trial that the Lord brings, count it as pure joy.

Easter & The In-Between

Today, is the Saturday of the Easter weekend and I can’t help but think about the in-between that the disciples were living in that day. Jesus has been crucified, but not yet raised from the dead. The in-betweenness they felt had to of been a heavy weight.  But even in the in-between, God is still working.

Easter Sunday dawned, and the world changed forever. The tomb was empty, and with it the in-betweenness was shattered by the hope that we have in the death and resurrection of Jesus.

This Easter, as we navigate our in-between seasons, moments of uncertainty and doubt, let's hold fast to the promise of the resurrection. In the Easter story, even in the tombs darkness, new life awaited. Just as true is God’s promise of hope for each situation that you are facing today. At times it can feel like it’s Saturday, it’s hard and confusing, but Sunday came… Jesus is alive… and through Jesus we can be reconciled with God, forgiven and have hope beyond the in-betweenness.


Beyond Comfort: Why Discomfort is Key to Disciple-Making